Bar Code Testing
Barcode Verification Services
PaperChase is authorized by to issue legal Certificates of Conformity, or Bar Code Verification Reports on the grade of your bar code.
These reports will be accepted by ALL retailers.
You need barcodes that scan the first time, every time. Get that assurance with our barcode verification services, and if you code fails, we will educate your graphic artist / printer how to make the bar code a passing grade. We test and issue results within 24 hours of receiving your Bar Code samples.
Here’s how our Barcode Verification Services work:
1st we use GS1 approved Verification instrument from RJS systems. This instrument measures the thickness of the black lines and white spaces to a tolerance of 660nm, (Nano Meters = billionths of a meter). That gives us the ANSI / ISO print quality of a pass or fail grade. That information is then transferred to The Verification Report, or Certificate of Bar Code Conformance Report. If it is a pass, no problem, just submit that report to any retailer and they are very familiar with those convoluted reports. Passing reports are nice and easy in that they have a large PASS within the report.
HOWEVER, If the Bar Code fails the standards:
The GS1 report is not very intuitive to even a seasoned print professional with 40 plus years like us. The manuals for GS1 are in excess of 1300 pages and to fully understand the rules takes years of study. Failed bar code reports use words like edge determination failure, symbol contrast fail, modulation fail, etc. If your bar code fails PaperChase is unique in that with our 40 plus years in the print industry we can reverse engineer the bar code by using a microscope and can determine where and why the bar code failed. We can then issue a new in-spec image file and instruct your graphic artist / printer how to handle that file to fix their/your issue. We consult with your Artist / Printer in their language, not using terms like Modulation error, Symbol contrast error, etc. as those terms are not familiar to them unless they are Certified by GS1. Other than GS1, there are only 5 Certified companies authorized to Test Bar Codes in all of North America, we happen to be the one who can actually help FIX a bad code.

- Price for interim report on proofs, mock-ups, or the final report, pass or fail $ 50.00ea.
- Consulting to fix your bar code with your Artist / printer is at no Charge.
- New bar code image files are $10.00ea for one image, with reduced rates down to $2.00ea for large quantity images.
- You submit your barcoded item(s). For retail items, send them to us in their final packaged form. For bulky items please send us empty, flat packaging. If you are submitting a barcode that is located directly on an irregularly shaped package, the item in its entirety is needed for review. Do not submit a barcode that has been removed from the consumer unit. We can test using artwork samples (laser prints, mock-ups and proofs) and will provide an interim report on barcode size and quiet zones. However, we need final press printed samples to provide a complete verification report.
- We test the barcode(s). Using our formal verification process, we test your barcode(s) for compliance with *Worldwide GS1 Standards. Testing assesses size, color, print quality, and quiet zones. We also check barcode height, location/placement, and calculation of the check digit.
- You get the results. We deliver a detailed emailed report showing how your barcode(s) performed on the legal Certificate of Conformance report (Verification Report).
- Help with results. With over 40 years experience in every aspect of printing we can determine and explain to yourself, and or your Graphic Artist / Printer in plain English how to fix a failed bar code. We work with your artist / printer to educate them, and or supply them with a new image file (extra fee max $10.00ea bar code image file).
PaperChase tests the barcode for compliance to the GS1 Standards through a verification process and the GS1 General Specifications. This for fee testing assesses size, color, print quality, and quiet zones. We also assesses barcode height, location/placement of the barcode, and the correct calculation of the check digit.
The GS1 rules regarding bar code quality are mandated Worldwide by GS1’s Head office in Belgium EU. There is a GS1 office in every major country in the world, USA branch office in Dayton OH.. The test results signal to all, regardless if you are selling In Asia, Europe, or worldwide that your bar codes meet all theWorlwide standards. Note that our Bar Code test facility is in our Surrey BC Canada office and all samples to be tested must be mailed / courier to our office at:
PaperChase Graphics
Unit 100 – 8459 160th Street, Surrey BC Canada V4N 0V6
Please specify if you would like the actual product back, if so courier charges will apply.